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CEA Staff Participate in Natural Disasters Workshop in Colorado

Image: CEA Staff Participate in Natural Disasters Workshop in Colorado
From left to right: James Goltz, Kyoto University Disaster Prevention Research Institute; Sean McGowan, Federal Emergency Management Agency; Elizabeth Safran, Lewis & Clark College; Jishnu Subedi, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology; and Annde Ewertsen, CEA.

CEA staff were among nearly 400 researchers and professionals who attended the 41st annual Natural Hazards Workshop in Colorado in July. The four-day event included participants from more than a dozen countries and featured sessions on a wide variety of approaches to disaster preparation and recovery, resilience to natural disasters, emergency management, and communication about the risks of natural hazards.

CEA's Annde Ewertsen, who oversees agent and consumer services at CEA, moderated a panel titled "Public Communication and Seismic Hazards." In that panel, Ewertsen and experts from government and academic institutions discussed how scientific findings related to earthquakes could be better communicated to the public, to help non-technical audiences understand and use them.

Members of CEA's multidisciplinary research team and other CEA staff involved in mitigation and communications efforts also attended the workshop, which was hosted by the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Learn more about the Natural Hazards Center and its annual workshop.