Home > Insurance Professionals > Inspection Professionals (IP) > Inspection Professionals Registration

Inspection Professional (IP) Registration

Complete the following registration to be added to the Inspection Professional list. This list will be available to CEA policy holders seeking an inspection professional available to conduct a Hazard Reduction Discount (HRD) inspection, and complete the Dwelling Retrofit Verification (DRV) form.

Indicates required field
First Name
Last Name
My Business Name
123 Main Street
Suite 3
(916) 111-2222
(916) 111-2222
How did you hear about us?:
Date will auto fill with information from license after submission.

Homeowners will search for an Inspection Professional by their ZIP Code. If you list an out-of-state ZIP Code for your business address, you will not show up in search results. We recommend you use a California address to register.