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Media Resources

Media Contacts

Media representatives may send inquiries or interview requests to media@calquake.com or call (279) 203-5998. CEA can accommodate requests in English and Spanish.

Reporters looking for information about the Earthquake Brace + Bolt Program, established by a joint powers authority created by CEA and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, can find additional media support here.

Background Information

The following resources are intended to provide information helpful to reporters covering the California Earthquake Authority, earthquakes in California and residential earthquake insurance.

Fast Facts

Browse these fast facts or our FAQs for details about CEA and earthquake preparedness that can be included in a news story.

Q: California Earthquake Authority
  • CEA has more than 1 million policies in force, and CEA policies are two-thirds of the residential earthquake insurance policies sold in California.
  • CEA is not-for-profit, privately funded and publicly managed.
  • California created CEA in 1996  to address a home-insurance market crisis.
Q: CEA Insurance Policies
Q: CEA's Financial Strength
Q: Mitigation (Seismic Retrofitting)