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CEA Leads the Way for ShakeOut 2017

Image: CEA staff actively participated in and enthusiastically promoted the 2017 Great California ShakeOut
CEA staff actively participated in and enthusiastically promoted the 2017 Great California ShakeOut earthquake drill, an annual event that began in 2008 and helps people learn how to prepare to survive and recover from earthquakes.

Over 10.5 million Californians and 56 million people worldwide practiced “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” in this year’s ShakeOut drill on October 19 at 10:19 a.m. in houses, schools, businesses, and other public spaces throughout the state and around the world.

CEA held interviews at several Santa Barbara, CA radio stations discussing how to properly “Drop, Cover, and Hold On,” and participated in media interviews at a ShakeOut event at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

CEA also participated in a ShakeOut event on the Google campus in Mountain View, California and spoke with employees to explain the importance of retrofitting older houses as well as having earthquake insurance.

ShakeOut background and participation information can be found at ShakeOut.org. Learn more about CEA’s involvement with the ShakeOut from our Great California ShakeOut Backgrounder (PDF) and ShakeOut Press Release.